Saturday, May 5, 2007

Thank God for Teenage Girls

There she was. Using her fancy new Compaq computer. Only it didn't work. So she called tech support. And waited. And waited. For two hours. Being a typical teenager, she then hung up and called.....Daddy.
Daddy happened to be on the board of directors for Compaq. Daddy called the President of Compaq, here lovingly referred to by the fictitious name of Eckerd Pilsner (EP). And Daddy yelled. EP listened. He then hung up and started calling everyone below him....
Compaq suddenly had a massive hiring of over 200 tech support agents. Geeks and geek wannabes came from miles around. Heaven had just opened its gates.
Geeks flooded in. Mass interviews were held. People who barely knew how to use Windows 3.1 were applying. And getting hired (more on my story later.)
During this massive influx, Compaq hired and eventually promoted to positions of authority the people who make the title of this book possible.
It was April, 1994.....

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