Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tough security

Somehow or some way, Compaq caught a few of the more brazen individuals trying to take entire server racks out of the warehouse.
It didn't matter that they were scrap.
It was still considered theft.

Compaq revised it's scrap procedure.
All valuable scrap (processors, drives, memory, etc.) now had to go into a locked bin.
The line supervisor had the key.

I needed parts for my latest project.

TG and I go "shopping."

And find the locked bin.

Damn. How am I going to get around this?

After many seconds of thought, I came up with an ingenious plan.
I went to the line supervisor and said:
"Can I have the key to the lock? I need to get some parts. IT'S FOR TRAINING."

No problem. Got the key, did my shopping, said thank you and left.

After that, the line supervisor would just hand me the key when he saw me.

Sorta gives you a warm, secure feeling all over, doesn't it?

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